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TyphoonChina-Bound Radio and TV Programs Visitation Program For Berea Alumni Cash TV Set Food Among Stolen Items MANILA arpn Typhoon bore down today on the Chin 12 The Lexington Leader WeJaesslay November is 1S5S Sen Cooper To See Benson About Burley Quota Hikes uisaavaniages Wednesday Arp Described An inventory at the Trade- Under Way Here winds Restaurant Lane Allen Road has revealed that thieves A visitation program for Berea Programs ore listed in this newspaper as received from the stations and are subject to late changes All times listed are Daylight Saiig took cash and property valued at Communist mainland leaving in its wake in the Philippines 58 persons dead missing or injured Philippine government relief agencies started full-scale operations today as the weather cleared WASHINGTON SenJ and domestic sales of burley to- more than $450 in a break in early Tuesday morning restaurant employees toli county police John Sherman Cooper (RKy) said bacco (2) the steady reduction in WLW Cincinnati WAVE Louisville WCPO Cincinnati WLW Cincinnati 700 WLAP Lexington 630 WHAS Louisville 840 The missing items were listed stocks as the basic reason more burley must be grown next year as a J247 television set $13818 A child who attends school under double sessions has little or no time for planned library story physical education and group activities or for learning leadership qualities and the fundamentals of group procedures These factors were listed by Miss Bettie Tuttle a first grade teacher at Clays Mill School as she described conditions and WHAS Louisville WKRC Cincinnati Acreage allotments must be in worth of food a $30 aluminum pot $3150 in cash 147 packages Lexington 1300 of Ky S13 FM Lexington 590 WBLG WBKY WVLK alumni is under way in Lexington under the direction of Charles Morgan assistant to the president of Berea College The purpose of the program Morgan said is to revitalize and solidify alumni groups in areas where the concentration of alumni justifies it The strengthening of alumni financial support is one of the major ultimate objectives Morgan said He has conducted eight similar programs in Chicago Chattanooga Knoxville Kingsport Asheville Louisville and WLEX Lexington WKYT Lexington creased he said "to meet this growing demand at home and of cigarettes and a $660 box of Television abroad and to provide balanced stocks with the variety of grades buyers need" eggs a can of biscuits and some ham and cheese Mrs Edith Stivers Cleveland Pike reported the ihoft of her 1957-model Plymouth while it was parked at (he Milward Mortuary North Broadway Mrs Katherine Farley of 521 West High Street said thieves took a crated bathtub from 331 South Mill Street She said the theft occurred last weekend 7:15 Huntley-Brinkley News O- problems Of double sessions to Sen Cooper who is fulfilling all Talk Sm Wagon Train a number of engagements on the West Coast said he would see harley Weaver The Lineup the Citizens Committee for Education at a meeting Tuesday night Miss Tuttle who taught in a double session situation in Fayette County in 1957-58 said a Secretary of Agriculture Benson "as soon as possible" after returning to Kentucky next week ake A Good Look I The program here will include Lexington Winchester Paris Price Is Right cigars The Edgar Sales Co located near the restaurant reported that the firm was entered on the same night and that a typewriter valued at $338 was stolen Miss Ida Dodson Louisville told police that someone stole her purse containing $125 while she was visiting her father who is a patient at Central Baptist Hospital She said the purse was taken from a hospital room Charles Brink 322 South Spring Street reported to police the theft of an electric iron and a quantity of food from his home He said the food included a dozen His purpose Cooper said is to and Harriet Ozzie today that he would see Agriculture Secretary Benson and personally urge an increase in bur-ley tobacco acreage allotments Sen Cooper's announcement came after his statement last Week that burley allotments for next year should be increased and that he would "strongly urge" the Department of Agriculture to do to Jn his November 10th statement Sen Cooper pointed out that consumption of burley tobacco has now turned upward reversing the five-year decline in total use set off by the shift to filter cigarettes At the same time burley supplies have been steadily reduced Cooper said because "burley growers have held the line" and kept production below use for five years in a row "We have now turned the corner" Sen Cooper said "and the time has come to increase burley production" Sen Cooper cited the combination of (1) The recently announced increase in both export PM 5:00 Movie T-Bar-V Ranch Home Theater Shorty Stout Roy Rogers 5:30 Laugh House Gang Early Show and Popeye Bluegrass Personalities 5:45 Lifesavers 6:00 The Three Stooges Weather Sports 6:15 Extra under Georgetown Versailles and Nicho- child who attends school Men Into Space "present the facts" and to make clear "the necessity for increasing growers' 1960 allotments" 9:00 Perry Como lasvuic morgan saia mat mere are mtire than 300 alumni in the area His program will extend to December awaiian Eye The Millionaire Mike Hammer Cannonball I've Got A Secret Snyder Sues For $250700 In Shower Case This Is Your Life -News Boxing 6:30 Theater News Weather Huckleberry Hound awaiian tyc 10:30 Cannonball Wichita Town Marshal the double-sessions plan does not receive a well-balanced educational program and that crowded conditions also hinder the child's development The Fayette County school system will have double sessions for first graders next year because of an inadequate number of classroom facilities The teacher told the citizens group that the child has no opportunity to know and develop friendships with other children or his teacher and be receives little or no individual attention from his teacher because there is no break when she can devote extra time to him The problems of the teacher also mount greatly with double sessions Miss Tuttle said The teacher "is rushed and frustrated" in trying to give children a 11:00 News working a half-day for a full day's pay Actually Miss Tuttle said the teacher works a full day She must prepare homework for the children with explicit instructions to parents so they may proceed in instructing the child as the teacher would The teacher must visit homes for parent conferences because there Is not space at school and she must waste valuable planning time in getting out and putting away materials because of the double occupancy of the classroom In other business Frank Wilford 1914 South Limestone h-WhatTs Yor Question Collie 6:45 Huntley-Brinkley News News 7:00 Weather and News Seven League Boots News Sports Weather Collie Giencannon Rangers James Franklin Snyder who claims he was blinded when a part of a shower head broke and struck him in the eye as he was taking his first shower in his new home seeks $250700 in damages in a Circuit Court action filed Tuesday He said the part ricocheted from the bath tile and struck him in the eye Named defendants in the action JacK Paar 11:15 Movie News Weather Spts 11:30 11:45 Jack Paar 12:00 Radio were Claude Freeman Thomas Freeman William Freeman Holiday usually lean stains as well as happy memories Keep the memories but remove the stains easily and effectively with the aid of the handy 30-page booklet STAIN REMOVAL FROM FABRICS Hero are full directions for removing most of the common stains: Soft drinks candy chocolate fruit salad dressings Ice cream beverafes This helpful United States Government publication has lust been completely revised Send for your copy today fifteen cents postpaid use This Coupon LXZaHOTDK HERALD-LEADER information Bureau SI St Washington 4 I enclose fifteen cents In coin (15c) foe a copy of the booklet STAIN REMOVAL FROM FABRICS Street was named chairman of and Raymond Freeman doing business as Freeman Builders full day's educational program in the finance committee of the Citi- three-and-a-half hours is unable Adv In America Music Humanes 7:15 WLW-Digest of the Air 7:30 WLW-Back to the Bible 8:00 Dateline the World WLW-Music zens Committee and Ora Davis Snyder said his home was built to attend faculty meetings or participate in in-service training programs and is misunderstood by by Freeman Builders and the The meeting was held In the auditorium of the Lafayette Vocational School A Whitmore chairman presided Music Masterworks the community which feels she is plumbing was installed for them by Davis Davis was ordered held to the RECORD BAR Heme grand jury from Quarterly Court on an unlawful conversion charge when he refused to surrender the shower head taken from Snyder's The Fayette Classroom Teachers Association ANNOUNCES A Series Of Television Programs CONCERNING: FAYETTE COUNTY SCHOOLS The PAST PRESENT FUTURE! Nov 18-The Present Challenge of Education Dr Kincheloe Nov 25-The Instructional Program Mr Jones EC 5:00 WBKY-Music Concert 5:30 WLAP-Press Box News Sports 5:45 WLAP-Nightfall Sports Paul Harvey 6:00 WVLK-Music Dinner Bandstand WLW-Sports News 6:15 WVLK-Sports Eye Post Time News WBKY-Sports Campus News 6:30 WVLK-Music WLAP-Night Fall WHAS-News WLW-News WBKY-UK Rounitable 6:45 WHAS-Sports WLW-3 Star Extra 7:00 WBLG John Daly Business Final Profiles in Sound (Please print) nome Snyder claimed he took it without permission City Davis maintained the shower 8:30 Racing Roundup Musical Festival 8:45 WLAP-Night Fall 9:30 WHAS-JU-52358 Truly American 9:45 WLW-Good Old Days 10:00 WBLG News Sports WLW-News 10:15 Night Cap Changing Times 10:30 WLW-Music 10:45 Quiet Time 11:00 News Weather Sports News Sports 11:15 Night Cap 11:30 WHAS-Music 12:00 WLAP-Night Watch WLW-Music Til' Dawn tat head was his property He was indicted on the charge but trial in Circuit Court was continued to next term of court (Mail to Washington C) Panty Raid Gassed STARKVIIXE Miss WTO-Tear gas was used Tuesday night to break up an attempted panty raid on the girl's dormitory at Mississippi State University ine saw men students involved Thursday Television ended their march on the dorm wnen housing supervisor Mal-com Gray fired the tear eras shells at the crowd 1 12:30 Could Be You for Tomorrow mWW SwBBpaLAtXvi llLrs 1 iwK 4kWm IlLM A 6:00 Good Morning 6:30 Classroom 6:45 Farm News 7:00 Today Religious Hour 7:15 on the Farm the World 7:30 Legend 8:00 Time 12:45 Light 1:00 Flickers Miss Brooks Time Maxwell 1:15 Roundup 1:30 of Riley custom hieh-fidelitv 12 LP record of Broad Dec Dec i si 433 2-Staff Analysis 9-Transportation way musical hits from recent Sinclair TV Spec tacular "Music from Shubert Alley" Mr Yandell HOW! END the HIGH Jon or Consequences V-OHLT-BL GET FREE RECORD COUPON Love mat bod World Turns 2:00 for a Day Day in Court Captain Kangaroo 8:30 Al 8:45 9:00 Dixon Comedy Time h-News 6-School Finances Mr Donaldson This advertisement paid for by Fayette Classroom Teachers Association COST off TV Repair No More Repair Bills I No Payment for Parts ANY PART IN YOUR SET REPLACED A BMk JM BBB For Better or Worse 9:15 Kangaroo 9:30 Sinclair AT YOUR DEALERS 10:00 SON) Edgeo Night 2:30 Show Thin Man Storm Party 3:00 Dr Malone ItefvfeMgCkRlp ONLY Fun Fair Treasure Hunt 10:30 Life of Riley 0- Fid In and Mail This Cowan Par TRIE Information without in The Go Price is Right 11:00 It's Fun to Reduce Hera's How it Works: Sion up for our TV Repair Flan 1 Fay only tttS for ono year service contract Thereafter all repair calls coat only SXWI (Yea this oven include your picture tube) I LoveLucy www- PUBLIC NOTICE -rand Ole Opry 11:15 O-C loncentration 11:30 Oeffr-C Beat me uock The Millionaire 3:30 From These Roots Do You Trust? Is Yours 4:00 on High St Bandstand Day Talk About Movies 4:15 Story 4:30 Personality rEdge of Night Popeye Theater Bandstand iwf mo mora informa Bride tion aonosrninn (Check one or ALU Pfl NOME TRIAL FREE BROCHURE ON CONN OROAN FREE BROCHURE ON KOHLER PIANOS FREE DEMONSTRATION IN MY CHURCH CLUB ETC asMMpmoaisa 12:00 or Consequence CALL 6-5401 NOW "Tin newest idea in TV Repair" TELEVISION REPAIR AGENCY Club of Life Radio 90 1 High Chevy Chat Pursuant to KRS 281690 and the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Motor Transportation Commonwealth of Kentucky notice is hereby given that the Lexington Transit Corp has on November 18 1959 filed with the Department of Motor Transportation its application and notice of a proposed change in its rates and fares as follows: CONN ORGAN Studios Inc Owiwd Operated ky William Hartley A I Manner 160 Umtttoae Ph 4-1604 11:15 WBLG-Salute WLW-Billy Graham 11:30 Cactus Tom's Almanac WLW-Farm 11:45 WLAP-High Noon MAKE YOUR HOME HAPPIER WITH A NEW APPLIANCE A 6:00 WVLK-Music Good Morning Early Bird Time MorLin? Frolic WLW-Ch retime 6:30 News Traffic Time 6:45 WLW-Clock Watcher 7:00 WHAS-Market Digest 7:15 WHAS-Farm Mews WLW-Erayar Period 7:30 WBLG-Stars of Song WHAS-News Fun Fair 8:00 News 8:15 Traffic Tune WLW-Clock Watcher 8:45 Bulletin Board Paul Harvey 9:00 WLAP-Coffee Time WBLG WLW-Breakfast Club 10:00 WBLG-Hayes Healey WHAS-Your Home WLW-My True Story 10:15 Date with Doris 10:30 WHAS-Coffee Call 11:00 WLAP-Talk or the Town Carnation Time WLW-Easy Listening WHAS-Hcre's Tiny 12:00 WVLK-News Paul Harvey WHAS-Hamilton Ky WLW-50-50 Club 12:15 Man on the Street Melodies Weather News 12:30 WVLK-Music 1:00 WLAP-Matinee Quality Showcase WHAS-News 1:15 WHAS-Randy Sings 1:30 WHAS-Farm Round-Up WLW-Carleton Fredericks 2:00 Randy Atcher WLW-Radio Theater WLAP-Driving Time WHAS-Encore WLW-Bob Braun ADULT FARES from 15c single cash fare to 20c single cash fare or two tokens for 35c FARES FOR CHILDREN between the ages of five through ten years to remain the same namely lOe single cash fare FARES FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN attending elementary and high schools either public or parochial between the hours of 7:30 am and 4:30 pm on school days only from IVic single cash fare or 10 ride tickets for 75c to 10c single cash fare or 10 ride ticket for $100 3:30 WHAS-Bluegrass Brevities 4:00 Tempo WHAS-Fun Fair WLW-Rolling Along Music Humanities APPenxiMAreLY 7S of all or criroir AeeuMocee uee bought ey Humphrey Doean'f Want Second Spot peoPXS two had mo (uteutiou of Boms me at rue ees ww mc op iue vgpg 1960 POCATELLO Idaho HI Sen Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn) says The said proposed fares to become effective on January 31 he isn't interested in the vice presidential spot on the 1960 "1 r-'ii lf Mar' firm Democratic ticket He spoke at Democratic meet Incs here and at Idaho Falls Tues Henry Gay Carnival Planned Friday Henry Clay High School students were to nominate candidates today for king and queen of the annual carnival to be held Friday night The carnival will begin at 7:30 Friday with the "Big Shot" a variety show in the school auditorium Each ticket sold for the carnival show will contain a ballot and entitle the holder to a vote for the king and queen The carnival will also Include a side show a country store and dancing In the gymnasium Any person desiring to protest may do so by filing a protest with the Department of Motor Transportation in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of said Department day In a news conference at Idaho Falls Humphrey was asked its -n-n to KCPUAce vooe OCO APPUANCeS AWO BUY if he would seek the vice prest dential nomination neirt year "If I proceed as contemplated I'll seek the presidential ncmina owes foa tion If not only the Senate" APPUflWCe 005 IO -ruis news pb pea Humphrey replied opau wApPue ieotvs tout AO rvecHAceo a OPTO SOAetS W4 OF ALL Wtm9VU OFALLCOFFEJZ trees 95 of sMAvees 41 OftAfXOOCKS ANDtt TAUrfCCCTftlC BLAUKHTS 9-2J 'MAKE RADIO and TV SERVICE LEXINCTON TRANSIT CORP Lexington Ky DEPARTMENT Of MOTOR TRANSPORTATION COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY Frankfort Ksntacky PHONE 2-4670 I The Lexington Leader Sll(l The Lexington Herald 1 a 1 see) 1 Radio Servicing Since 1928 WOODLAND RADIO 212 Woodland Ave pfcrntouj Bprali-Craiirr.
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